Atalayar:Logistics, key to the development of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region.
A sector that carries indispensable value for the economic fabric of the country.
The third edition of the Regional Logistics Meetings, dedicated to the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, has delved into a sector that carries indispensable value for the economic fabric of the country and has served to analyze and debate the links between logistics and the territory, and between public and private actors. It has also highlighted the role of ports in the development of the territory.
- Minister of Transport and Logistics
- Youness Tazi, the Wali of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region
- Omar Moro, president of the Regional Council
- Hassan Abkari, general director of the Tangier Port Authority
- Adil Raiss, president of the CGEM TTA
- Carla Salvadó, deputy general director of the Port of Barcelona
- Jalal Benhayoun, general director of the CRI Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima
Minister of Transport and Logistics
During the presentation of the event, held at the St Regis Hotel in Bahía Príncipe, Tetouan, the Minister of Transport and Logistics of Morocco, Mohammed Abdeljalil, highlighted the role of logistics in territorial development and as a formula for cooperation between Moroccan businessmen and Spanish people.

For the minister,this sector is especially relevant for the regions of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima and Catalonia, which have become economic platforms, as well as engines and catalysts of social development and economic inclusion.
Abdeljalil recognized that fluid interconnections are necessary for complementarity between cities and other territories, especially between the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region and Catalonia.
Youness Tazi, the Wali of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region
For his part, the wali of the region, Youness Tazi, stressed that “this meeting is very important not only for the logistics community, but also for all economic actors. Just two years ago, no one thought that the region could reach this level. Nowadays, it’s not just about Tangier.”
According to Tazi, there are various opportunities for logistics development, especially in the infrastructure sector, and he claimed the role of a national logistics agency to maximize the benefit.

Omar Moro, president of the Regional Council
The head of the Regional Council of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima, Omar Moro, defined the region as “the beautiful gateway to Europe and Africa”, and explained that logistics has become a sectoral territorial reality, being a specialty and vocation that contributes to the attractiveness of the area for foreign investors.

Hassan Abkari, general director of the Tangier Port Authority
The person responsible for the management of the port of Tanger Med highlighted the importance of the integration of ports in the national and international regional value chain, and gave as an example the experience of the Port of Barcelona as the model to follow.
Abkari highlighted the youth of the Port of Tanger Med, barely 18 years old, and explained that investment continues in port infrastructure in new areas of activity and also in new technologies.
“Our port is not only an international trade space, but also an engine of progress in several areas,” said the general director, who explained that, in terms of employment, Tanger Med has a staff with qualified training, capable of contribute to building an economic dynamic.
In 2023 alone, thanks to the Port of Tanger Med, a total of 9,600 jobs will be created. He also highlighted that the growth of these infrastructures takes into account environmental protection.

Adil Raiss, president of the CGEM TTA
For Adil Raiss, president of the CGEM TTA, “the region is the land of logistics. Morocco cannot even develop without it and we must take into account that wars are lost due to logistics, and that this sector is also behind the increase in inflation.”
Raiss also emphasized the need to increase the digitalization of the sector and its sustainability, with growth that is respectful of the environment and climate change.
The head of CGEM urged to have “greater and better coordination of actions between the transport logistics sector, to have greater flexibility and speed in dealing with the sector’s primary issues.

Carla Salvadó, deputy general director of the Port of Barcelona
On behalf of the Port of Barcelona, Carla Salvadó explained that it has a strategic position between Europe and Africa: “our mission is clear: we must generate prosperity, create jobs and increase wealth in the territory.”
Another of the objectives highlighted by Salvadó is social economic sustainability, which translates into promoting entrepreneurship, worker safety, well-being and the rest of the environment.
In this sense, the Port of Barcelona has an energy transition plan to address the necessary decarbonization of port activity.
Finally, he highlighted the measures adopted by the ports of Barcelona and Tanger Med, for collaboration in various areas.

Jalal Benhayoun, general director of the CRI Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima
Finally, the general director of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Regional Investment Center spoke, highlighting the need for collaboration between two regions as dynamic as Catalonia and northern Morocco.
Regarding the region’s infrastructure structure, Benhayoun highlighted the socioeconomic transformation that it has experienced in recent years, with a mature infrastructure system on an international scale, which includes 26 industrial zones and projects such as the Tanger Tech ‘smart city’.
“All of this is the result of the investments made in the period 2020-2023, with more than 7,000 projects underway, and is the result of years of impact of strategic planning, consolidating not only the region, but also other territories, thanks to the impulse of the Government, which created a special ministry for logistics.”