Unlocking Opportunities: The Ultimate Guide to Entrepreneurship and Investment in Tangier Tetouan AlHoceima Region
Exciting News for Entrepreneurs and Investors in Morocco!and abroad!
Morocco, under the clairvoyant vision of HIS MAJESTY KING MOHAMMED VI, places immense importance on entrepreneurship as a catalyst for social and economic development, job creation, and value addition. To further bolster this dynamic, the country has implemented numerous mechanisms to support entrepreneurship and investment, actively endorsing collaborative efforts from the public, private sectors, and civil society.
In line with the drive to enhance the territorial offering and promote investment opportunities, the Regional Investment Center (CRITTA) of Tangier-Tetouan-AlHoceima has expanded its support materials. Introducing the new guide in English titled “TerritorialOffer of Opportunities, Investment, and Support,” developed in partnership with key stakeholders.
This comprehensive guide includes a databank of turnkey projects and a network of support actors across the entire value chain of entrepreneurship. Its objective is to direct investors towards new investment niches and provide project holders with vital information about specialized support services available, tailored to their specific needs.
The first edition features 50 detailed project sheets and 62 support services, covering the entire project ValueChain. Each entry includes practical descriptions, target sectors, eligibility criteria, and contact details, ensuring easy access to crucial information.
Moreover, the CRI has launched its new community digital platform of support, “Manar Al Moustatmir.” This platform serves as a one-stop-shop for all types of support requests from investors, providing interactive and customized programs to meet individual investor needs, supported by the collaborative efforts of all partners.
With this comprehensive guide and the support of Manar Al Moustatmir, investors and project holders will find all the necessary tools for success in the world of entrepreneurship and business. The CRI will regularly update the guide to incorporate emerging opportunities and additional support initiatives.
Discover the endless possibilities and unlock your entrepreneurial and investment journey in Morocco! Visit our platform at www.ManarAlMoustatmir.com