Le CRI TTA et CREDIT DU MAROC organisent la première étape des rencontres de l’investissement

La dynamique de l’investissement dans la région du nord et les enjeux de la décarbonation : Le CRI TTA et CREDIT DU MAROC organisent une rencontre de haut niveau à Tanger

Le Centre Régional d’Investissement de la région Tanger Tetouan AlHoceima a eu le plaisir de s’associer à l’organisation de la première étape des rencontres de l’investissement, portée par la banque CREDIT DU MAROC ayant touché le thème :«La dynamique de l’investissement dans la région du nord et les enjeux de la décarbonation »
Cet événement corporate, tenu le 18 mai à Tanger, a rassemblé plusieurs Hommes d’affaires issus de différents horizons qui ont pris connaissance des différentes incitations de l’Etat prévues dans le cadre de la nouvelle charte d’investissement exposées par le Directeur des Investissements et des Exportations à l’Agence Marocaine de Développement des Investissements et des Exportations – AMDIE
De sa part, le Directeur Général du CRI TTA, Jalal Benhayoun a mis en valeur les différentes potentialités de la région ainsi que l’offre territoriale en matière d’opportunités d’investissement et l’offre de services d’accompagnement proposée par le CRI pour les investisseurs et les porteurs de projets.
Enfin, cette rencontre a été une occasion pour sensibiliser l’assistance des enjeux majeurs de la décarbonation: facteur majeur pour la compétitivité et la durabilité des entreprises.

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L’arbitrage au service des entreprises : réalités et perspectives

Vendredi 19 Mai 2023

La commission Fiscale, Sociale et d’ Accompagnement des Entreprises de la CGEM Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima, consciente de l’importance de l’ Arbitrage dans le règlement des différends et des litiges, organise, en partenariat avec le Centre Régional d’Investissement de la Région de Tanger – Tétouan – Al Hoceima et l’Association des Investisseurs de la ZFE de Tanger, AIZFET, une rencontre sous le thème :

« L’arbitrage au service des Entreprises : Réalités et perspectives»
Vendredi 19 mai 2023 à 16h00 , À l’hôtel ROYAL TULIP.

Cette rencontre-débat serait l’occasion d’expliquer aux opérateurs de la Région Nord comment l’ arbitrage pourrait s’ériger en mode alternatif de règlement des différends et des litiges, de présenter le nouveau cadre légal de l’ Arbitrage, ses avantages et ses limites.
Cette rencontre sera coanimée par :

Me Tarik Mossadek au barreau de Casablanca ;
Me Samy Rais, avocat au barreau de Paris.

Quant à la modération, celle-ci sera assurée par Me HATIM ELKHATIB, avocat au barreau de Tanger.


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Morocco Unveils First Moroccan Car Brand, Hydrogen Vehicle Prototype

The projects, developed by Moroccan entrepreneurs, are a significant milestone for the country and will strengthen the “Made In Morocco” label.

Rabat – Neo Motors CEO Nassim Belkhayat and NamX President Faouzi Annajah presented a model of the first Moroccan car brand and a hydrogen-powered vehicle prototype to King Mohammed VI during a ceremony on Monday at the Royal Palace in Rabat.

The projects, developed by Moroccan entrepreneurs, are a significant milestone for the country and will strengthen the “Made In Morocco” label and establish the country as a competitive hub for automotive production.

During the presentation, the King examined the model from the “Neo Motors” car, a company owned by Moroccan capital, as well as the prototype of the hydrogen vehicle created by NamX, called the Hydrogen Utility Vehicle (HUV).

Neo Motors is currently in the process of opening an industrial complex in Ain Aouda, located in the Rabat-Sale-Kenitra Region. The plan is dedicated to manufacturing vehicles for both the local market and for export.

The plant is projected to have an annual production capacity of 27,000 units. It was constructed under a budget of MAD 156 million ($15 million) and is expected to create 580 jobs.

In February 2023, the National Agency for Road Safety granted final approval for Neo Motors’ first vehicle. The company launched pre-production, with the plant’s inauguration scheduled for June 2023.

As for NamX’s hydrogen-powered vehicle, the car was designed in collaboration with Italian design office and coachbuilder Pininfarina. The interior design of the vehicle is Moroccan.

The HUV model will be equipped with a central hydrogen tank, complemented by six removable capsules to deliver a high driving range and facilitate quick hydrogen refueling in a few minutes.

On the sidelines of the ceremony, King Mohammed VI honored Nassim Belkhayat and Annajah with the Wissam Al Kafaa Al Fikria Award.

Faouzi Annajah is a Morocco-French businessman who co-created the world’s first car partially powered by a patented removable hydrogen tank system.

NamX’s patented technology consists of a fixed hydrogen tank and six removable capsules.

Set to be released in 2025, NamX responds to the rising demand for hydrogen and hybrid cars amid an increasingly prevailing shift towards clean energy sources and decarbonization worldwide.

As for Nassim Belkhayat, the Moroccan entrepreneur created Neo Motors, the first 100% Moroccan car company, in 2018.

Morocco’s automotive sector

Morocco is currently the largest car manufacturer in Africa. Over the first three months of 2023, exports from Morocco’s automotive industry reached X (MAD 33.9 billion), marking an impressive 44% year-on-year increase.

While the automotive sector continues to exceed growth expectations, the country is working to transition to electric car manufacturing to maintain its strong manufacturing position in the global transition to a greener economy.

In September 2022, the country unveiled an ambitious industrial plan aiming to scale up electric car production capacity within two years.

Under the plan, the country’s electric car production is set to reach 100,000 units annually in the span of two to three years, double the current production input.

The ambitious production target is achievable in light of the current industrial capabilities without factoring in the possibility of attracting foreign investment in the future.

Morocco’s ambition to emerge as a hub for electric car production is further consolidated by the country’s significant capacity in the field of green hydrogen production.

Studies are increasingly pointing to the country’s potential in the production of green hydrogen. Green hydrogen is currently considered the best green replacement for oil. As the world transitions to a greener economy, demand for green hydrogen is expected to grow at an exponential rate.

A January report from the European Conservatives indicated that Europe is already planning substantial investment budgets into green hydrogen and solar panels in Morocco, Egypt, and southern Africa.

According to the report, the European Investment Bank estimates the value of Africa’s green hydrogen production capacity at a 1 trillion-euro investment.

The continent is expected to reach an annual green hydrogen production capacity of 50 million tonnes by 2035 at a highly competitive price of or below $2 per kilogram.

Source : MoroccoWorldNews

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Morocco Showcases Investment Potential at Annual Investment Meeting in Abu Dhabi

From Monday, May 8th, 2023 to Wednesday, May 10th, 2023

We are delighted to share with you the brilliant presence of Morocco at the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) in Abu Dhabi. This event is a must-attend for investment not only in the Middle East, but also internationally. This 12th edition, which began on May 7th and will run until May 10th, is a unique opportunity for the Kingdom to showcase its investment potential to investors from around the world.

The Moroccan Agency for Investment and Export Development (AMDIE) has deployed a significant effort to ensure excellent visibility for Morocco at this major event. Many representatives from national actors and institutions, such as the CRI Tanger Tetouan Al Hoceima, the CRI Rabat Salé Kenitra, the CRI Sous Massa, the ADA, and the SMIT, have also participated in this event to reinforce Morocco’s presence.

This strong presence of Morocco at AIM and the strong enthousiasm of the visitors is further evidence of the country’s attractiveness to foreign investors. We are confident that the economic potential and investment opportunities of Morocco will attract the interest of visitors and investors at this event.

We are proud to contribute to the promotion of our country and its ability to attract investments by offering favorable conditions for profitable and sustainable projects. We are convinced that our participation in AIM will strengthen economic ties and fruitful partnerships with foreign investors.

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Exploring Entrepreneurial Paths: CRI Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Connects with Students at Al Akhawayn University Internship Fair

Monday, May 8th, 2023

The CRI Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima participated in the Internship Fair organized by Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane on May 8th. It was an excellent opportunity for our team to share insights, paths, and support programs with the students of Al Akhawayn, helping them to enter the world of entrepreneurship.

Our team presented personalized support packages and paths that could help students bring their business ideas to life. We also directed students towards potential business niches in the Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region.

The CRI Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima is committed to supporting young entrepreneurs on their journey. We believe that their creativity and passion for entrepreneurship can transform the region. We are proud to have been a part of this event, which allowed our team to meet talented and ambitious young entrepreneurs.

We would like to thank Al Akhawayn University for organizing this event. We look forward to continuing to work together to support the young entrepreneurs in the region.

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Venez découvrir les opportunités d’investissement et d’accompagnement proposées par le Centre régional d’investissement dans la région Tanger-Tétouan-AlHoceima au SIAM

Rencontrez noss experts en investissement au Salon international de l’agriculture à Meknès.

Il ne reste plus qu’un jour pour visiter le stand du CRI TTA au SIAM ! Découvrez les possibilités d’investissement et l’offre territoriale de notre région, ainsi que les programmes d’accompagnement proposés.

Notre équipe vous attend avec impatience au stand I-62 du pavillon international pour répondre à toutes vos questions et vous aider à concrétiser vos projets.

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Une séance de suivi post-création pour les porteurs de projets dans la region de Tetouan Tanger Al hoceima

Le Centre Régional d’Investissement de la Région Tanger-Tétouan-AlHoceima offre un accompagnement de qualité aux porteurs de projets pour contribuer au développement économique de la région.

Le Centre Régional d’Investissement de la Région Tanger-Tétouan-AlHoceima a organisé une séance de suivi post-création pour les porteurs de projets accompagnés dans le cadre du programme “Investangier Academy”. L’objectif était de contribuer au développement et à la pérennisation des entreprises de la région en offrant un accompagnement de qualité.

Les porteurs de projets ont pu échanger des expériences et des bonnes pratiques avec d’autres entrepreneurs locaux. Le développement de l’entrepreneuriat est essentiel pour le développement économique et social de la région. Nous encourageons tous les porteurs de projets à échanger des idées avec d’autres entrepreneurs locaux pour construire ensemble un écosystème entrepreneurial dynamique et prospère.

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The Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry explores investment opportunities in the region of Tangier Tetouan Al Hoceima

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The Regional Investment Center (CRI) in Tangier-Tetouan-AlHoceima hosted a German delegation led by Peter Ramsauer, President of Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The meeting provided an opportunity to showcase the region’s competitive advantages and investment potential, as well as to strengthen economic and commercial relations between companies in the region and their German counterparts. Tangier-Tetouan-Hoceima offers a unique territorial offer with a strategic location, well-developed infrastructure, skilled workforce, and favorable investment climate. The CRI is committed to fostering partnerships and collaborations between Moroccan and German companies to create win-win situations and promote business growth in the region.

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The Regional Investment Center of Tangier Tetouan Al Hoceima is present at the International Agriculture Fair in Morocco “SIAM”

From May 2nd to 7th, 2023 , meet our investment advisors in Meknes!

Looking to expand your business in the agriculture sector? Don’t miss out on the buzz at the 15th edition of the International Agriculture Show in Meknes!

Our region is attracting a surge of investors and we’re here to help guide you towards new horizons.

Come meet with our investment experts at the Tanger Tetouan AlHoceima booth and let’s explore the opportunities together!

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Le Centre Régional d’Investissement de la Région de Tanger – Tétouan – Al Hoceima participe au Salon International de l’Agriculture au Maroc “SIAM”

Du mardi 2 au dimanche 7 mai 2023 , rencontrez nos conseillers en investissement à Meknès !

Nous sommes présents au Salon International de l’Agriculture au Maroc “SIAM”​ du 02 au 07 mai 2023, au pavillon international.

Découvrez une multitude de programmes d’accompagnement et des projets clés en main en agroindustrie. Ne manquez pas cette opportunité unique de booster vos investissements !

Une fois vous êtes ici, vous êtes partout !

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